Using MongoDB
Find Data
Learning Objectives
- Query by a top-level field
- Project to get only the fields you need
- Query by a field in an embedded document
- Query by a field in an array
You can use the find()
method to issue a query to retrieve data from a collection in MongoDB. All queries in MongoDB have the scope of a single collection.1
Queries can return all documents in a collection or only the documents that match a specified filter or criteria. You can specify the filter or criteria in a document and pass it as a parameter to the find()
The find()
method returns query results in a cursor, which is an iterable object that yields documents.
Gotta catch ’em all
To return all documents in a collection, call the find()
method without a criteria document.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace249"), "spacegroup" : { "source" : "spglib", "crystal_system" : "monoclinic", "hall" : "-P 2yab", "number" : 14, "symbol" : "P2_1/c", "point_group" : "2/m" }, "nelements" : 3, "pretty_formula" : "La2SiO5", "material_id" : "mp-5152", "elasticity" : null, "elements" : [ "La", "O", "Si" ], "chemsys" : "La-O-Si" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace24a"), "spacegroup" : { "source" : "spglib", "crystal_system" : "cubic", "hall" : "-P 4 2 3", "number" : 221, "symbol" : "Pm-3m", "point_group" : "4/mmm" }, "nelements" : 1, "pretty_formula" : "Fe", "material_id" : "mp-568345", "elasticity" : null, "elements" : [ "Fe" ], "chemsys" : "Fe" }
Type "it" for more
Conveniently, the mongo shell will yield several documents from the cursor for you without trying to dump everything. You can type “it” to iterate over more of the results if you want.
Query by a top-level field
Our documents have a field indicating the number of chemical elements in the corresponding material. Let’s find documents whose nelements field equals 3:
db.materials.find({nelements: 3})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace249"), "spacegroup" : { "source" : "spglib", "crystal_system" : "monoclinic", "hall" : "-P 2yab", "number" : 14, "symbol" : "P2_1/c", "point_group" : "2/m" }, "nelements" : 3, "pretty_formula" : "La2SiO5", "material_id" : "mp-5152", "elasticity" : null, "elements" : [ "La", "O", "Si" ], "chemsys" : "La-O-Si" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace24d"), "spacegroup" : { "source" : "spglib", "crystal_system" : "trigonal", "hall" : "-P 3 2=", "number" : 164, "symbol" : "P-3m1", "point_group" : "-3m" }, "nelements" : 3, "pretty_formula" : "Er2SO2", "material_id" : "mp-12671", "elasticity" : null, "elements" : [ "Er", "O", "S" ], "chemsys" : "Er-O-S" }
Type "it" for more
Note the presence of an elements field that lists chemical elements. While we could formulate an equilavent query that derives our query condition as a function of existing document properties, e.g.
db.materials.find({$where: function() { return this.elements.length === 3; }})
, we instead denormalize (a fancy word for “duplicate”) our data in a way that makes a common query pattern (let’s say this query is common) both simple to express and efficient to process – simple properties can be indexed, whereas a $where
query, as you might imagine, must evaluate a function on every document in a collection. Denormalization can be tricky, i.e. one must ensure that “derived” fields are kept up-to-date with their sources of truth when the latter are updated, but many feel that the extra bookkeeping is worth the benefits to usability and performance.
Projection to select fields
That last query returned all fields for each document. We can use a projection, specified as JSON, to indicate which fields we want. Let’s yield a few material ids.
db.materials.find({},{material_id: 1})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace249"), "material_id" : "mp-5152" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace24a"), "material_id" : "mp-568345" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5703e9efbd8ea237cdace24b"), "material_id" : "mp-1703" }
Type "it" for more
The _id
field is included by default – we must be explicit if we don’t want it returned:
db.materials.find({},{_id: 0, material_id: 1})
{ "material_id" : "mp-5152" }
{ "material_id" : "mp-568345" }
{ "material_id" : "mp-1703" }
Type "it" for more
Let’s combine what we’ve learned so far about querying by a top-level and projecting to select fields:
db.materials.find({nelements: 3}, {material_id: 1, pretty_formula: 1, _id: 0})
"pretty_formula" : "La2SiO5", "material_id" : "mp-5152" }
{ "pretty_formula" : "Er2SO2", "material_id" : "mp-12671" }
{ "pretty_formula" : "Fe4O7F", "material_id" : "mp-780541" }
Type "it" for more
Query by a field in an embedded document
To specify a condition on a field within an embedded document, use dot notation. Dot notation requires quotes around the whole dotted field name. This time, let’s also chain the count()
method to the cursor to return only a count of the number of documents that match the query filter document:
db.materials.find({"spacegroup.crystal_system": "cubic"}).count()
Projection can take advantage of the same dot notation:
db.materials.find({nelements: 2}, {"spacegroup.crystal_system": 1, elements: 1, _id: 0}).limit(3)
{ "spacegroup" : { "crystal_system" : "cubic" }, "elements" : [ "Yb", "Zn" ] }
{ "spacegroup" : { "crystal_system" : "cubic" }, "elements" : [ "B", "Lu" ] }
{ "spacegroup" : { "crystal_system" : "orthorhombic" }, "elements" : [ "Se", "U" ] }
We also demonstrated another cursor method, limit()
, that limits the number of documents yielded by the cursor to a specific number. While this is unnecessary when working in the mongo shell because of the ‘Type “it” for more’ functionality, limit()
comes in handy when fetching results programmatically if only a limited number of results are needed by your application.
Query by a field in an array
How many materials in our collection contain iron (“Fe”)? When a MongoDB field is an array, testing for membership has the same form as testing for equality:
db.materials.find({elements: "Fe"}).count()
If you supply an array as the value under test, we can see that four forms (“polymorphs”) of elemental iron are present in our collection:
db.materials.find({elements: ["Fe"]}).count()
It may be more natural for you to express the above condition the following way:
db.materials.find({elements: "Fe", nelements: 1}).count()
Dot Notation and Projections
Which query below yields documents containing the crystal system and spacegroup number for all exactly-two-element-containing (“binary”) compounds?
A. db.materials.find({nelements: 2}, {spacegroup: {crystal_system: 1, number: 1}})
B. db.materials.find({nelements: 2}, {"spacegroup.crystal_system": 1, "spacegroup.number": 1})
Combining Conditions
Which query below returns the number of oxygen-containing, two-element materials (“binary oxides”) in our collection?
A. db.materials.find({elements: "O"}).limit(2).count()
B. db.materials.find({elements: "O", nelements: 2}).count()
C. db.materials.find({elements: ["O"], nelements: 2}).count()
Much of the format and language of this lesson from here on out borrow heavily (and occasionally are copied) from’s Getting Started guide, available under the terms of a Creative Commons License.↩